
Banning Maple Bats Means the Unfortunate End of Xtreme Baseball Watching

Seriously, how many more eyes need to get poked out before Major League Baseball just bans maple bats all together? Look at those terrified fans to your left, splintered shards of wood hurling toward them at a dizzying pace. It’s quite hilarious alarming.

Then again, you should always be aware of your surroundings when at a baseball game. Not only could a maple bat split in half and fly into the stands to impale you or a loved one, but there is also a risk of foul balls and home runs smoking you in the head when you’re innocently flagging down the beer vendor.

Yes, maple bats have been providing endless excitement for casual fan for many years now.

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Speaking of bats hitting baseballs and smashing into pieces due to unadulterated badassery, here is Joe Mauer's new MLB 10: The Show commercial. It's awesome, obviously.


zer0charm said...

Don't forget about the t-shirt cannons, cleverly disguised as hotdogs! Those things are dangerous. And how embarassing is it to get injured by a wad of cotton shot from a wiener? Humiliating! Thanks for the enthusiasm, but if I want a shirt I will go pay $30 for one at the team store. No need to shoot me in the face.

Sooze said...

Haha excellent point.

Anonymous said...

There is something about the Maple bat thta makes it travel farther than other bats when they break. The other bats never make it past the infield so Maple bats have to go.

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