
Josh Hamilton Relapses, no Whipped Cream was Harmed in the Event

We like to take long breaks from blogging just before Spring Training gets underway. Obviously. But what better way to get back into the game than waking up to hear the news of Josh Hamilton's alcohol relapse. Sadly, no whipped cream was harmed in the process.

The Texas Rangers outfielder didn't come out and admit his relapse to the press, however. No, some tattle tales "familiar with the episode" felt it was their responsibility to let us all know he was drinking booze at a Dallas area bar this week.

If you're familiar with alcoholism, you know know that one drink is really never okay for a drunk. Some people just can't hang, and Hamilton is one of those folks. The 30-year-old All Star outfielder was suspended for more than three years for drug and alcohol abuse back when he was with the Tampa Bay organization, missing the entire 2004 and 2005 seasons. However, he rebounded to become a household name and give hope to addicts everywhere.

In August of 2009, he relapsed during a wild night without his wife and Jesus, licking body shots and whipped cream off scantily clad hookers young ladies at a bar in Tempe, Arizona. Of course, he tried to claim that the photos were old, but background shots of the spankin' new MLB Network channel on the televisions in the background had him busted.

Since joining the Rangers, he is tested for drug use three times a week and also is supposed to have an accountability partner to offer him support in his recovery.

Looks like now would be a good time to hire one of those.

[Yahoo! Sports]


Anonymous said...

Washington and now Hamilton ; give me a break people ; they are human and make mistakes, just like the league full of steriod users that are still concidered heroes.....He stumbled, so lets help him back up and not beat on him while he is down...

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many times he's actually relapsed without the public's knowledge...

Anonymous said...

hamilton is the best :)

Anonymous said...

Josh is a Great Ball Player and Person ,No one knows what he goes through everyday .
I will always be Proud of this young man.

Sooze said...

On a serious note you guys, we do respect Josh Hamilton and understand that alcoholism and drug addiction are a serious subject, and that recovery is a process that addicts struggle with every single day. He and his family are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

hamilton is a human being. he relapsed, so what. pick yourself up and keep going. he may relapse a few more times before he gets it right. so be it.

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