For every San Francisco Giants home run hit during the World Series, ReLeaf Herbal Center will donate one doobie to each Giants fan present at the local marijuana dispensary in San Francisco.
Free grass. It's more fun than checking out baseball lines.
Oh but that's not all. ReLeaf is also offering a super special, bright orange strain of pot at a discounted price, as well as a THC-infused orange drink called "Giant Punch." Yummy.
It's just too bad Big Time Timmy Jim will be pitching tonight. Maybe he can sneak away during Game 2... and get his hands on the valid prescription needed to obtain said doobage.
Speaking of joints, check out these videos of pothead Giants fans from our pal Josh Q. Public.
Hopefully Lincecum will be lighting up the Rangers tonight!!
San Francisco sure is "different"... first Giants Pride Week, now free marijauna??
yeah but would you trust anything you got from a place called "ReLeaf"? I mean... if that's anything like "ReGifting", I'd have to think twice.
You hope its not like regifting? Releaf is a play on words. As in like relief pitching in baseball? But you get relieft from the leaf?
Chances are this promotion was Big TIme Timmy Jim's idea in the first place.
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