And now, for your reading enjoyment, I bring to you my attempt at interviewing a baseball great without completely shrieking like an excited 4-year-old. Enjoy.
Babes Love Baseball: Mr. Griffey, tell me a bit about the Depend campaign against Prostate Cancer.
Ken Griffey, Sr.: As a five year prostate cancer survivor, I've been doing work with Depend to raise awareness, to get people screened early, and to increase their chances of survival. I've been doing this for about three years now.
BLB: Five years? Wow! Congratulations! I know we're supposed to be talking about your work with Depend and Prostate Cancer, but I'm dying to ask you a few baseball questions. Is that okay?
KGSr: Of course, I can always talk about baseball.
BLB: Great! First off, what was it like to play with Junior?

BLB: And what was it like to hit back to back bombs with him (Junior) on Father's Day?
KGSr: Mine went farther. (laughs) He was determined to be the first father/son duo to do it - he had planned to do it even before we did. I had no idea, and I found out later that he had planned on being the first father/son to hit back to back homeruns. And he did it.
BLB: So, is that your best baseball memory?
KGSr: Well... yes that, and playing in the World Series for the first time in '75. And making it again the next year in '76. And winning them both. That with the back to back homeruns.
BLB: Who was the toughest pitcher for you to hit?
KGSr: Bob Shirley. He played for San Diego. He was hard on me. Not on everyone, just me. I just couldn't hit him well.
BLB: Was there one pitch in particular that was tough from him?
KGSr: No, he was just tough for me to hit in general. I just couldn't hit him well.

KGSr: None. I've been very blessed with my career. I've been involved in historic events, and had the opportunity to play with my son. I wouldn't trade my career with anyone.
BLB: Who is your favorite team to watch these days?
KGSr: Well, I'm still working with the Reds, and I like to watch what they're doing. They're going to the post-season, that will be fun.
BLB: Think they'll clinch tonight?
KGSr: I hope they will this week. They've got some great pitchers. They'll do it.
BLB: Any predictions for the post-season?
KGSr: None. It's hard when you have short series, they're tough to predict. Whoever goes into it hitting the best, that's who will win it.
BLB: I've gotta ask.. How's Junior doing with retiring this year? Is he bummed he didn't finish out the year? (I know I was!)
KGSr: He's doing fine. He's coaching his son's football team, and he's happy. And if he's happy, I'm happy.
BLB: Ok, to why we're talking in the first place. What are you up to with Depend and all of your work these days?
KGSr: I just want to raise awareness and get people screened early. Getting screened early is key for survival. You detect it early, you up the survival rate. I'm also working with the Reds, I'm a hitting coach for their young kids in Dayton, OH. I'm busy, and it's good.
Awesome interview ladies!
I had the pleasure of meeting Griffey Sr a number of years ago in Cincinnati. He was so humble and genuine! Great interview gals.
Whoah, Griffey, Sr.!? Congrats on the interview, ladies. What an amazing opportunity and you made the best of it, well done!
Nice interview girls! What a great cause he's supporting too. Prostate cancer is grave business, and it's a shame it takes current and former athletes to get men to take it seriously. Listen to your doctors too gentlemen!
Jacob - he was one of the nicest guys I've ever gotten to talk to!
Wow ladies, very nice. He's one of the few true gentlemen in this world and in sports in general. Well done!
might could i make a suggestion?
if you could pass this on to KGS, seeing as how he is involved in the prostate cancer awareness campaign -
it would REALLY help to get men screened if they could do simple blood tests in the drugstore because dragging your man to the doctor is worse than trying to herd cats. it's a LOT easier to get his finger poked for a PSA test.
maybe depends could team up with one of the big drugstore chains or big supermarket chains and make it public. lots of them already do cholesterol and blood sugar screens, why not the blood test for prostate?
p.s. maybe a best buy or home depot or lowe's might attract a larger crowd....
very nice work!
Nice interview girls!very nice & interesting work! bye...
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