Since this story won't seem to go away, we're gonna go ahead and join in the fun.
According to the New York Daily News, chronic douches Rogers Clemens and Jason Giambi have joined in the debauchery, as reports have surfaced that they, too, drank beer in the dugout and clubhouse during games. You know, back when they were relevant.
So yes. It turns out the Boston Red Sox aren't the only team to have participated in "rally beers" -- a term coined by another player we rabidly dislike, A.J. Pierzynski.
Yankees clubhouse insiders claim that Giambi and Clemens would pass brewskis disguised as a "protein shake" back and forth on the bench during games on a routine basis. Funny, that's not the first interest they've shared. Now they get to share a shoddy reputation... as if either of them had a shining one in the first place.
[Courtesy of Larry Brown Sports]
LOL @ the picture caption. I think it's a mixture of both.
Can't beat em, join em.
I feel both of those photos really encompass the douchiness that is Roger Clemens and Jason Giambi.
Ugh, I still can't stand either of those douche nozzles.
Ah.. but then their teams weren't in what has been called the worst September collapse in the history of baseball, either. Big difference.
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