
Bryan Stow Making Positive Progress Since Attack, Speaks with NBC in First Interview

Bryan Stow, the San Francisco Giants fan who was brutally beaten on Opening Day at Dodger Stadium by a couple of psychopath rival "fans" is making slow but positive progress in a rehabilitation center nearly nine months later.

Take this into serious consideration: Stow being able to write his own name last month was considered a huge stride in his recovery. That's the degree of severity we're talking about here. Really think about that. Now imagine your father, brother, or best friend in that situation. Is a baseball game that important to you? Hell no. Just thinking about it angers and disgusts me. But seeing the hope in Stow's eyes and the progress he's made overshadows that and beats it by a mile.

A paramedic and single father of two young girls, Stow was interviewed for the first time Friday exclusively by NBC Bay Area since he suffered the traumatic brain injury on March 31. This man made a living by saving others' lives, so seeing him in this state is hard to watch and incredibly heart-breaking, but realizing what a strong and determined fighter he is gives hope and promise to this terrible story.

You can see the rest of the interview on NBC's Rock Center with Brian Williams this Monday night at 10pm ET. We hope Stow continues to make progress on his road to recovery and our thoughts are with him and his entire family.

[Rock Center]


Anonymous said...

This made me cry.. so unfortunate. This never should have happened!! I hope he makes a full recovery and can be a dad to those girls again.

Anonymous said...

Its so sad that there are people out there who are crazy enough to almost murder someone over a baseball game.

Sooze said...

It's disgusting.

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