I'd like to thank the inventor of the internet (Al Gore?) for giving people a place to view all sorts of things. Among things that have made me laugh these days: photos of MLB rookies being initiated into baseball manhood. And I'm not just talking about carrying around a Chewbacca backpack.
For your viewing pleasure, I'd like to link you to some particularly good pictures that have graced the interwebs of the 2010 MLB rookies. You're welcome.
Florida Marlins
Boston Red Sox
Minnesota Twins
Philadelphia Phillies
Chicago Cubs
Cincinnati Reds
Jeff Manship and Drew Butera as the Ambiguously Gay Duo is one of the funniest things I've seen yet! (Even if I could see their junk through their jumpsuits.) And Danny Valencia is the sexiest Borat EVAR!
Shannon.. my husband wore that same borat costume for Halloween a few years back. I'm tempted to post it just for you but.... I'd like to stay married.
Oh and yes. The ambiguously gay duo almost made me pee.
Check out what the D-Backs did to their rookies:
(At least they got to wear more than Danny Valencia did!)
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