There is an unwritten rule in the game of baseball. DO NOT step on a pitcher's mound when going back to your base. You just don't do it. You walk around, if you know what's good for you, especially if Dallas Braden is on the bump.
Braden is not impressed with Alex Rodriguez's baseball etiquette. In the sixth inning of the Oakland Athletics 4-2 victory over the New York Yankees, A-Rod went from first to third on a foul ball by Robinson Cano. On his way back to first, he dared to step all over Braden's hill. And oh my gosh, did Dallas let him have it.
A-Rod was clueless as usual:
"He just told me to get off his mound. I was a little surprised. I'd never quite heard that. Especially from a guy that has a handful of wins in his career ... I thought it was pretty funny actually."Braden retorted in the opposing locker room:
"He should probably take a note from his captain over there and realize you don't cross the pitcher's mound in between an inning or during the game. I was just dumbfounded that he would let that slip his mind — being someone of such status. I don't care if I'm Cy Young or the 25th man on the roster, if I've got the ball in my hand and I'm on that mound, that's my mound. He ran across the pitcher's mound -- foot on my rubber. No, not happening. We're not the door mat anymore."Yikes. You know, Braden looks kinda' gangsta in his Yahoo! Sports profile pic...
Anyhow, it doesn't really matter, because nothing can rain on your parade when you ignited the first Yankees triple play in 42 years.
[Fanhouse] | [SB Nation]
I had that game on for a while as I was working but missed that. Besides, I was too busy snickering every time Glen Kuiper said, "Duchscherer" and "Swisher." heh
"Especially from a guy that has a handful of wins in his career" ... Including tonight
This is not the first time Arod's had problems with etiquette. I remember a few years ago he screamed at some third basemen on a pop-up as he was rounding 3rd and the guy dropped it. Also there was the first base glove slapping incident. He's like your hyperactive annoying friend.
Triple play = incredible.
A-Rod being douchey and minimizing anyone else's right to be in the game = incredibly lame.
Three words for the whiny pitcher:
If you're pitching well, then you're pitching well. Regardless of who's stepping on your mound.
Did anyone let him know that another person was pitching from that mound too?
Hey A-roid...yeah you, cheater, stay the eff off the mound.
If you haven't been in or around baseball pretty much your entire life then this does seem pretty silly, and petty. But Braden is actually in the right here, the etiquette rule of not stepping on the pitchers mound is well known all the way down to little league. A-rod is well aware of this etiquette. This was an intentional and blatant sign of disrespect. Another classless move for a guy who continues to tarnish his once squeaky clean image. A lot of fans may not understand what you did here A-rod, but your peers know. Zero class sir.
this is a great site. Love the content! Typical for A-Rod.
During the Twins broadcast Friday night, Bert Blylevan said that A-rod is arrogant, and that he would like to throw a pitch at him.
What I really object to about this incident (more than the actual thing itself) is A-Rod's implying that stepping on the mound/disrespecting the pitcher is OK because Braden's not a very good pitcher. So what number of wins is enough for you to respect somebody? What a horrible attitude. It's so unnecessary, too; it's not as if being respectful would make him a worse or weaker player.
And he wonders why people don't love him like they love Jeter. I'm no Jeter fan, but he would never pull something like this.
Kudos2Branden is right. Regardless of the actual act, it's clear that what A-Rod did was intentionally disrespectful. He should know better. And then the dismissive handwave and the quotes after? Trashy. Just trashy.
It's not that Braden was wrong about what he said... he was right. It's not that A-Roid was right in what he did and said... he was absolutely wrong.
My problem is all the talking about it after-the-fact. It's fine for Braden to tell the jerk to get off the F'ing mound. But you drive home the point by knocking him on his butt with the first pitch the next time he comes to the plate (or even throwing over to 1B about 10 times in a row to make him keep diving back, if you don't want to wait until the next AB). You don't whine to the media about it, you DO something about it. Otherwise, STFU.
I agree that Arod's usually had problems with his etiquette. He needs to watch his attitude regarding this.
Braden has had 8 straight losses since his perfect game and A Rod had a grand slam and a solo shot tonight. Suffice it to say, it's his f---in' mound.
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