So following some of the finest baseball writers in the country on Twitter is part of my "actual job that pays my rent and puts copious amounts of Purdue Chicken Fingers in my crisper drawer." It's kind of an interesting thing to look at from a journalistic standpoint, as you get to see 140 characters of raw copy from writers you normally only read after going through several editors.
Some writers are good. Some are terrible. Others are great to the point where I actually look forward to reading their tweets. From Ken Davidoff of Newsday this morning:
Josh Beckett: "I don't know what 'ace' is. Is that an acronym for something"? #RedSox
So now we are presented with a question. What does ACE stand for? Here's a few thoughts.
Already consistently extraordinary
Accidental conception of eel
Already cocky enough
Axis containing elephants
Got an acronym? Let us know.
he is an A.C.E.
Affectionately Cuddling Earthworms
Aching Constantly Everywhere
Article Could Excite
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